Whiba Holdings’ Al Dafniya Food Complex: first industrial complex in Libya to be issued US Food Administration (FDA) registration certificate‎

Whiba Holdings’ Al Dafniya Industrial Complex announced last Tuesday (16 July) that it has been issued with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) registration certificate.‎ It said it is the first industrial complex to be issued with an FDA registration certificate. This registration, it added, confirms the quality of products and the commitment of the complex to apply all international quality and food safety standards. ‎The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Rights Services, responsible for protecting the health of consumers by monitoring and approving all food products and medicines before they are put on the US market.‎‎With this achievement, Al Dafniya said, we are pleased to enhance the confidence of our customers in our products and reaffirm our constant keenness on the health of consumers and citizens.‎‎This, it continued, is in order to value Libyan industries and products, and it is certain that obtaining this certificate is an essential step in line with the group’s plan to open new markets, especially the United States and Canada.‎Export Promotion Centre participates in Korea Import Expo 2023 – negotiating MoU to enter market (libyaherald.com)French ambassador tours Misrata and Zliten – visits factories and the Free Zone (libyaherald.com)Whiba Group’s Al-Dafniya Food Complex realizes first exports to France (libyaherald.com)Largest pasta, couscous and semolina factory in North Africa opened in Libya (libyaherald.com)Whiba Holding’s Al-Safwa brand pasta and couscous factory starts operations (libyaherald.com)

July 20, 2024 23:00 UTC

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