Weekend miscellany: RedBridge WA polling, trusted politicians, Senate vacancies and more (open thread) – The Poll Bludger - News Summed Up

Weekend miscellany: RedBridge WA polling, trusted politicians, Senate vacancies and more (open thread) – The Poll Bludger

A new poll suggests Labor is well placed to retain its federal gains in WA from 2022. Both are encouraging for Labor, the federal result crediting them with a 55.2-44.8 lead, effectively unchanged on a 2022 election result of 55.0-45.0. The primary votes are Labor 39% (36.8% at the election), Coalition 37% (34.8%), Greens 12% (12.5%) and One Nation 5% (4.0%). The West Australian reports former Senator Ben Small is “believed to have the inside track” to succeed her as Liberal candidate. • Paul Sakkal of The Age reports Susan Morris, who runs a vascular surgery practice in Kew, will run for Liberal preselection in Kooyong.

Source: The Guardian December 15, 2023 21:36 UTC

