The cruelty of the so-called right to life movement on display in Texas - News Summed Up

The cruelty of the so-called right to life movement on display in Texas

Given the situation, her lawyers petitioned a Texas Court to declare that she met the “exemptions” to Texas’ wildly restrictive abortion law. Texas’ abortion law defines the “exception” this way. One would think that the so-called “right to lifers” would be supportive of Ms. Cox’s efforts. 2023, p. A23]One sees in his actions and the rubber stamp the Texas Supreme Court gave to him when it overturned the first Judge’s orders the incredible cruelty of the so-called Right to Life Movement. The cruel behavior of Paxton, the Texas Supreme Court and their ilk just make me sick.

Source: The Guardian December 15, 2023 21:23 UTC

