Was Comey’s FDR Trump tweet linked to Obama 2012 ‘insider threat’ memo? - News Summed Up

Was Comey’s FDR Trump tweet linked to Obama 2012 ‘insider threat’ memo?

21 November 2012, the date of Trump’s FDR tweet, was also the date of a presidential memorandum issued by Obama. Its subject: “National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs.”In the memo, Obama defined its purpose as “to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security. In the 2012 memo, Obama wrote that he wanted to “reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security”. Since his firing by Trump, he has published an explosive and bestselling memoir and stringently criticised the president. The memo and Trump’s tweet being issued on the same day could of course be a coincidence.

Source: The Guardian January 13, 2019 14:37 UTC

