Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s grand wedding celebrations culminated with a reception, which was replete with a lot of masti and naach-gaana, at a five-star hotel in Mumbai. Anil Kapoor, Rani Mukerji, Ekta Kapoor, Shweta Bachchan Nanda and Siddhanth KapoorCOUPLES MADE A STATEMENTLove was definitely in the air as many B-Town jodis made a grand entry. He had SRK, Salman, Varun, Ranveer and nephew Arjun Kapoor shaking a leg with him to the various chartbusters that were being played. SRK and Salman even coaxed the usually reticent Sunita Kapoor to join them on the stage for a song. The fun and festivities went on till the wee hours, making this a night to remember.
Source: dna May 10, 2018 01:41 UTC