The Indian cricket board has overshot the budget allocated to it for conducting the opening ceremony of the 11th edition of the Indian Premier League, which is going on. DNA has learnt that it all started with as many as six top event management companies showing interest after going through IPL’s Request of Proposal (RFP) to conduct the opening ceremony. The second top bidder (L2) was ‘Fountainhead’ at Rs 16.90 crore while the third bidder was Wizcraft Entertainment with a quote of Rs 17.80 crore. As per the BCCI website, a total payment to Wizcraft will be more than Rs 20 crore. Why was so much time taken (till March 28) to finalise the vendors and opening ceremony related issue, when the same was finalised by February earlier (during IPL 2017)?”
Source: dna May 10, 2018 00:33 UTC