Political Roundup: National’s progressive childcare-consultocracy switch - News Summed Up

Political Roundup: National’s progressive childcare-consultocracy switch

When asked whether he was concerned for the jobs lost by the business consultants he replied: “I feel very good about that. While in opposition, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins campaigned against the growing use of costly consultants and criticised National’s overuse of such contractors. This policy is therefore a significant increase in the welfare state, and it is not a replacement for any other current childcare policy, but goes on top of current programmes. The other big question is whether the childcare policy will result in higher prices and bigger profits for childcare providers. The problem for Labour is that they are increasingly associated with what political scientists call society’s “professional management class” – which is epitomised by the highly-paid business consultants in the bureaucracy.

Source: New Zealand Herald March 06, 2023 23:41 UTC

