Salgaa police have cautioned long-distance drivers against engaging in activities that risk inconveniencing other road users along the busy Nakuru-Nairobi highway. Transport near Mai Mahiu was temporarily paralysed at 7:30 AM after the drivers tried to block the highway by packing their trucks across the road to express solidarity with their counterparts. This comes after the drivers threatened to stage demonstrations across all major highways and near weighbridges across the country over alleged mistreatment by police. Addressing the drivers on Monday at the Mai Mahiu trading centre, Salgaa traffic boss Walter Kiptala cautioned them to desist from the planned demonstrations and instead use dialogue in finding a lasting solution. "Let your national leaders table official complaints to the national police service and have the right channels followed in finding an amicable and all-inclusive solution.
Source: Daily Nation June 06, 2016 07:52 UTC