According to reports, the Minister, who is also the MP, reportedly undertook the action as part of the directions given to him by a spiritualist for him to win the primaries. “The Minister started going from one village to the other to bath in the open at night, we understand it was part of the spiritual directions given him…,” the reporter narrated. However, the Minister could not have a field day as the youth of Dantin and Banka reportedly blocked him from bathing in their town. “The youth were very angry and chased him out of the place…he then moved to another town and he was chased out once more…,” Angel FM correspondent Afia Pokua reported. Reacting to this allegation, the Minister denied the claim and threatened to curse the youth of the town for peddling falsehood against him.
Source: GhanaWeb June 20, 2020 11:37 UTC