Bhinde’s company, Ego Media Pvt Ltd, had set up the 120x120-foot advertising hoarding in Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar East, which collapsed after a short spell of unseasonal rain and gusty winds on May 13. The massive billboard fell on a busy petrol pump, trapping close to 100 people under it, 16 of whom died. According to the police, Bhinde had travelled by road from Mumbai to Lonavala before coming back to Shil Phata in Thane. The police will bring Bhinde to Mumbai on Friday and produce him at a metropolitan magistrate court. Moreover, he was fined 21 times for various violations under the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, before 2009, said an officer of the Mulund police station.
Source: Hindustan Times May 17, 2024 04:09 UTC