A kidnap suspect, Umaru Usman, who was among the six paraded by Ogun State Police Command on Wednesday, has disclosed that he bought his AK-47 rifle for N500,000 in Zamfara for kidnapping. Usman stated this in an interview with Saturday Tribune, on his activities with his gang members. Ajogun added that the third suspect, Bello, whose gang member disclosed his possession of an AK-47 rifle, was the one who invited his gang members to kidnap Mrs Ojedapo and prompted them to kill her because she could recognise him. Also, some of kill our victims when they can’t pay ransom or unable to walk a distance in the bush. “I joined kidnap gang in 2020 because my hands were not strong and active enough to do hard jobs.
Source: Nigerian Tribune May 01, 2021 00:56 UTC