The disclosure, buried at the bottom of a central bank report on digital thefts in the Russian banking sector, is the latest in a string of attempted and successful cyber heists using fraudulent wire-transfer requests. The central bank said it had been sent information about "one successful attack on the work place of a SWIFT system operator." "The volume of unsanctioned operations as a result of this attack amounted to 339.5 million roubles," the bank said. After the report's publication, a central bank spokesman said hackers had taken control of a computer at a Russian bank and used the SWIFT system to transfer the money to their own accounts. In December, hackers tried to steal 55 million roubles from Russian state bank Globex using the SWIFT system, and digital thieves made off with $81 million from Bangladesh Bank in February 2016.
Source: bd News24 February 16, 2018 10:18 UTC