Gold rates today (June 7, 2021) have remained by and large stable in all major cities in India including Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai after getting increased by Rs 10 per 10 gram. The slight increase in gold rate took place after gold price went down by Rs 270 per 10 gram. The price of 22-carat gold today is Rs 48,320 per 10 gram or Rs 4,83,200 per 100 gram, while 24-carat gold price today is Rs 49,320 per 10 gram and Rs 4,93,200 per 100 gram. It is to be noted that gold price varies in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Lucknow and other states due to taxes levied on the precious yellow metal by different state governments. 22-carat-gold price in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Lucknow, PatnaDelhi - Rs 47,120 per 10 gramMumbai - Rs 48,320 per 10 gramBengaluru - Rs 45,920 per 10 gram.
Source: dna June 07, 2021 04:18 UTC