Australian activist runs 300km along Nile River for water crisis - News Summed Up

Australian activist runs 300km along Nile River for water crisis

Mina Jolie, an Australian activist and lawyer, ran 300 kilometers along the Nile River through Cairo, Luxor and Aswan as part of her initiative to change global perceptions of water usage and consumption. In a press conference on Sunday, Jolie said her global initiative entitled "Run for Water" aims to raise awareness and provide solutions that effectively contribute to solving the global crisis of water scarcity. The "Run for Water" initiative is 1,048 miles long including 40 marathons over 40 days running across six continents around the world. Jolie said the problem of global water shortage allows an opportunity for innovation and leadership. On World Water Day 2012, Jolie launched "Thirst Foundation" to create a base of people and companies to work together to change consumer habits and attract societies to the sustainable water products.

Source: Egypt Independent April 26, 2017 08:15 UTC

