In a blow to India's campaign in the Asian Athletics Championships, sprint sensation Hima Das suffered a back muscle spasm during the 400m heat race on the opening day in Doha on Sunday. The injury has put Hima's participation in the mixed 400m relay (on Tuesday) and women's 4x400m relay on Wednesday in doubt though Nair said it was not a serious injury. It is learnt that the injury cannot also be dismissed as a minor one and whether Hima will take part in the women's 4x400m relay and the mixed 400m relay will be decided in a day or two. The impact of Hima's absence, if it happens, will be felt in the women's 4x400m relay race in which India has historically dominated and is a strong gold medal contender in this championships also. She had beaten Hima comfortably in the Asian Games 400m final.
Source: dna April 22, 2019 03:33 UTC