'ZipperDown' Flaw Might Expose Up To 100 Million Apple iPhones - News Summed Up

'ZipperDown' Flaw Might Expose Up To 100 Million Apple iPhones

Apple iPhone users take note: a vulnerability that might affect tens of millions of users leaves devices open to dangerous attacks, China-based researchers have warned. The flaw, dubbed “ZipperDown,” resides in 15,978 iOS apps that have been downloaded 100 million times, according to famous iPhone jailbreakers Pangu Team. “It depends on the affected app and its privileges. In general, attackers could overwrite the affected app’s data or even gain code execution in the context of the affected app. In a video, the Pangu crew showed how they were able to use the ZipperDown flaw to hack Weibo.

Source: Forbes May 16, 2018 19:57 UTC

