Amazon Primes The Pump At Whole Foods - News Summed Up

Amazon Primes The Pump At Whole Foods

To be fair to Amazon, Whole Foods was struggling to re-position itself prior to the acquisition. Whole Foods announced the roll-out of a rewards program in Florida, where Amazon Prime members will receive 10% off hundreds of items initially and also have access to rotating weekly specials. CEO John Mackey estimates that there are 8 million Whole Foods shoppers who are also Prime members. According to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), it is estimated that there is a 40% overlap between Amazon and Whole Foods shopper base, with 80% of those customers having shopped recently. And of course, ideally, this may spur further Prime membership for Whole Foods shoppers who are not part of the program.

Source: Forbes May 16, 2018 19:52 UTC

