Yemen war: Senate rejects ending US support of Saudi-led campaign - News Summed Up

Yemen war: Senate rejects ending US support of Saudi-led campaign

The Senate voted 55-44 on Tuesday against taking up the war powers resolution, which had been opposed by the Trump administration. Yemen war: senators push to end US support of Saudi Arabia Read more“For far too long, Congress under Democratic and Republican administrations has abdicated its constitutional role in authorizing war,” Sanders said in a speech on the Senate floor before the vote. He echoed the Pentagon’s argument that the resolution should not invoke the War Powers Act because the support the US is providing to the Saudi-led coalition “does not involve any introduction of US forces for purposes of the War Powers Resolution”. In response, a Saudi-led Arab coalition began a bombing campaign in 2015, to restore the exiled government to power. The US has not formally backed the Saudi coalition, but it has provided targeted intelligence to the bombing campaign and has assisted with refueling coalition bombers.

Source: The Guardian March 20, 2018 22:07 UTC

