Court orders that boy, 10, at risk of suicide on Nauru be treated in Australia - News Summed Up

Court orders that boy, 10, at risk of suicide on Nauru be treated in Australia

The court heard from the government’s own health contractor, International Health and Medical Services, that the Nauru hospital was unsafe for surgery and that patients had died during routine operations. “I mention this to reject the minister’s submission that that at least the [physical condition] could be treated in Nauru. The boy’s mental health has been of concern to his family since late 2013, when he was just six years old. Since then “the boy’s mental health has gone downhill rapidly”, Perram told the court. “There is an extreme risk this unfortunate young girl will commit suicide or otherwise self-harm, or that her mental health will further deteriorate,” Murphy said.

Source: The Guardian March 20, 2018 21:11 UTC

