Windsor man pays price for 'mistake' of smuggling cocaine with young son - News Summed Up

Windsor man pays price for 'mistake' of smuggling cocaine with young son

A Windsor judge said a local man caught smuggling a large quantity of cocaine across the border with his young son along for the ride demanded a harsher prison sentence. The Windsor father of three tried to enter Canada at the Ambassador Bridge on May 22, 2016, with eight kilograms of cocaine in his car. Munroe said Hutton told the court it was “a big mistake,” but taking the boy hadn’t been part of the plan, it was simply a “last-minute” need to care for the child that afternoon. “A significant prison term is important.”Munroe sentenced Hutton to six years and 180 days imprisonment, less 12 days credit for eight days spent in pre-sentence custody. The Crown was seeking a prison term of up to eight years, while the defence had asked for a penalty closer to six years.

Source: The Star December 10, 2019 23:03 UTC

