Why latest Climate Change Protest was as large a flop as this years Pride Parade - News Summed Up

Why latest Climate Change Protest was as large a flop as this years Pride Parade

The Climate Change Protest on Friday was as large a flop as this years 3000 turn out Pride Parade! How the fuck can Climate Change go from 170 000 on the streets in 2019 to less than 10 000 when climate change is showing what an existential threat it is? Likewise the climate change protest movement. To disband a youth climate change organization because PoC suffer most from climate change ignores the fact that the planet will burn regardless of your fucking skin colour!!! The climate justice space must be led by BIPOC groups and others who are disproportionately affected by climate change.

Source: New Zealand Herald March 04, 2023 23:43 UTC

