Why Tunis could be the new Rome - News Summed Up

Why Tunis could be the new Rome

As a result, they seek out and support micro businesses that are keeping Tunisian heritage alive. Ben Gacem believes that Tunis’ cultural heritage shouldn’t just be preserved, it should be passed down. When I asked Meddeb why a rising design star would move from a fashion mecca to Tunis, she was clear: “There’s an energy in Tunis now, especially with younger artists. Long before there was Tunis, there was Carthage, the ancient Phoenician port city that was Rome’s arch-rival for centuries. Tunis may not have Rome beat in every category (the food, which is heavy on a trifecta of eggs, tinned tuna and harissa, often leaves something to be desired), but it doesn’t have to.

Source: The North Africa Journal January 26, 2020 19:52 UTC

