Why NZ needs to quit vaping - News Summed Up
Why NZ needs to quit vaping

Why NZ needs to quit vaping

January 03, 2024 03:13 UTC

Trending Today

Why NZ needs to quit vaping

Smokefree practitioner Louis Hilton works at Auckland Hospital, primarily with pregnant mothers who want to quit smoking, but says he’s increasingly coming across nicotine-addicted children. He views vaping as a legitimate tool to stop smoking, but urges smokers to have a plan for how they are going to quit vaping. Jonathan Devery tells Stuff on behalf of Alt and VIANZ that youth vaping is the industry’s “largest existential threat”. “We absolutely refute any suggestion this product is targeted at youth... Smokers come from all walks of life, so to help smokers quit, we must offer products that suit them. “If vaping had not been available, youth smoking rates may well have continued to climb.”Jonathan Devery, director of Alt New Zealand and chair of the Vaping Industry Association of NZ.

Source: Stuff January 03, 2024 03:13 UTC

