Why Do Some People Need More Sleep Than Others? - News Summed Up

Why Do Some People Need More Sleep Than Others?

“Most adults need seven to eight and a half hours of sleep,” Ronald Chervin, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of Michigan, told HuffPost. Needing more sleep might be built into your DNAResearch suggests genetics may play a role in why some people need those extra hours. “But we can do things about other factors that control how much we sleep, like regularity of bedtime and rise time.”Adolescents are also generally prone to sleep longer and have a harder time waking up. They can take two- or three-hour naps and still feel the need to sleep,” said Emmanuel H. During, a neurologist and psychiatrist specializing in sleep medicine at Stanford University. That said, compensating for sleep debt through sporadic naps or longer sleep does not always produce the desired effect.

Source: Huffington Post March 19, 2018 20:37 UTC

