New York City Boosts Funds to Fight Opioid Epidemic - News Summed Up

New York City Boosts Funds to Fight Opioid Epidemic

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced additional funding to combat the opioid epidemic in New York City on Monday at a news conference in Staten Island. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced additional funding to combat the opioid epidemic in New York City on Monday at a news conference in Staten Island. Photo: Agaton Strom for The Wall Street JournalNew York City will add $22 million to its efforts to fight the opioid epidemic this year, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday. In the city last year, 1,068 people died from opioid overdoses compared with 1,012 in 2016, according to preliminary data for the city health department. In January, New York City filed a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers and distributors, accusing the companies of oversupplying the market and misrepresenting the safety of the drugs.

Source: Wall Street Journal March 19, 2018 20:33 UTC

