When the Dams in Libya Burst: A Natural or Preventable Disaster? - News Summed Up

When the Dams in Libya Burst: A Natural or Preventable Disaster?

At the Site When I arrived at a cliff overlooking Wadi Bu Mansour, it dawned on me what may have happened that terrible night. Pomegranate trees in Wadi Bu Mansur valley downstream from the collapsed Wadi Bu Mansur dam, 13km south of Derna. What remains of the Wadi Bu Mansur dam, 13km south of Derna in eastern Libya days after floods caused its collapse, September 2023. Residents were also bracing for a possible overflow of the dams – something they had experienced already twice before – but not the dams’ actual collapse. As far back as the 1990s, when Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi still reigned over Libya, Sweisi said, government officials understood that Wadi Bu Mansour had structural deficiencies.

Source: The North Africa Journal October 02, 2023 11:36 UTC

