Welcome to the Hedge-Fund Driven Neoliberal University - News Summed Up

Welcome to the Hedge-Fund Driven Neoliberal University

Central to this hedge-fund neoliberal ideology is a moral vacuity that separates economic activity from social costs. Consequently, it posits that the role of government and institutions such as higher education only exists to further market interests and avoid making the power of markets and the financial elite accountable. At the same time, billionaires such as Bill Ackman, Leslie Wexner, Joh Huntsman, and Robert Kraft now exercise extraordinary influence over higher education policy, particularly at the elite universities. Furthermore, they advocate for silencing protests on campuses by calling in the police, effectively transforming higher education into a police state. This influence is pernicious, echoing fascist politics of the past, and undermines free speech and the critical role of higher education.

Source: The Guardian May 22, 2024 06:03 UTC

