Team India leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal's wife Dhanashree Verma, who has become a star on Instagram as she keeps posting her dance videos shared her latest dance video dancing in a saree along with dancer and choreographer Jigar Thakkar. Dhanashree is dancing to the tunes of an old song, 'Ek Ladki Bheegi Bhaagi Si' from the film 'Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi.' The popular song was sung by Kishore Kumar and Dhanashree said that this is one of her favourite classical songs. One of my favourite classic song," she captioned the video shot in black and white giving the feels of the bygone era. Chahal, who tied the knot with the choreographer and YouTuber last year in December, was last seen in IPL 2021 playing for the Royal Challengers Bangalore.
Source: dna June 04, 2021 14:26 UTC