Sunish Subramanian Kunju, Secretary PAWS-Mumbai said that he was surprised to see some visitors flinging coins at the python. "I saw that while some visitors casually threw coin in the enclosure some made attempts numerous times to ensure the coin touched the python that was sitting coiled in a hollow trunk. He said that there were no caretakers or security personnel to stop people from throwing the coins. "The python is a protected species and under section 38 (J) of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 it is an offence to tease, injure or cause disturbance to animals in the zoo. "We request animal welfare NGOs, who keep complaining about such errant visitors and their behaviour that disturbs animals, to come and help us create awareness among visitors so that such incidences can be reduced," he said.
Source: dna May 12, 2017 01:52 UTC