Vaccine passports won't be mandatory or pubs and stadiums - News Summed Up

Vaccine passports won't be mandatory or pubs and stadiums

Sign up Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy noticeCovid passports won't be needed at venues including pubs, theatres and stadiums, but individual businesses will be allowed to use them. A government review published on Monday did not rule out the possibility of making the use of so-called vaccine passports compulsory if England faces "a difficult situation in autumn or winter". "Essential settings should not use certification, but others can decide to use it at their own discretion in compliance with legal obligations." Under 18s would be exempted from having to display their status, as their vaccination is not currently recommended. The pass can already be used for international travel, with some countries requiring vaccination proof on arrival.

Source: Daily Mirror July 06, 2021 01:07 UTC

