Gavin Williamson wants to ban mobile phones in schools amid review of pupils' behaviour - News Summed Up

Gavin Williamson wants to ban mobile phones in schools amid review of pupils' behaviour

Mobile phones could be banned from schools in England as soon as January under plans being considered by the Government, it was revealed yesterday. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has launched a consultation on behaviour in schools, which will look at 'creating mobile phone-free' days. Many schools are attempting to ban smartphones in classrooms, but it can be a struggle when parents are not supportive. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has launched a consultation on behaviour in schools, which will look at 'creating mobile phone-free' daysThe Children's Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has supported the plan to formally exclude smartphones from schools. 'If you look at France, they've had a mobile ban in place for three years and I think it's gone very well.

Source: Daily Mail July 06, 2021 00:45 UTC

