Use of virtual learning proves Kenya's ability to overcome coronavirus - News Summed Up

Use of virtual learning proves Kenya's ability to overcome coronavirus

One of the best solutions that is effectively being used in more industrialised countries, and in some African ones like Tunisia and South Africa, is virtual learning. This is done through distance learning platforms like e-learning, distance and correspondence education, external studies, flexibility education and massive open online courses. Children from well-to-do homes can easily access e-learning materials and be supervised effectively by teachers or private tutors. This means in current time when learners of all ages, including those in institutions of higher learning, need support to continue learning from home, such learners are disadvantaged. Finally, it should invest in policy oriented research, monitoring, evaluation and learning to generate dis-aggregated data to be used for policy and planning to enhance virtual learning.

Source: Standard Digital May 29, 2020 20:26 UTC

