Uchumi, Boer trekkers and their ‘Wild West’ plot in Roysambu - News Summed Up

Uchumi, Boer trekkers and their ‘Wild West’ plot in Roysambu

In 2004, when Uchumi was struggling to return from the dead, it decided to sell this plot and invited interested bidders. Back to the Roysambu property, Tarlton sold it in February 1930 to Captain H.V. Two weeks ago, the High Court determined that Uchumi Supermarket is the beneficial owner of this land, through their wholly-owned Kasarani Mall Limited. In 2004, when Uchumi was struggling to return from the dead, it decided to sell this plot and invited interested bidders. For several years, the only evidence of the tussle over ownership is the now-you-see-it now-you-don’t stone perimeter on the plot.

Source: Daily Nation September 16, 2017 22:07 UTC

