Trent Butt guilty of 1st-degree murder in daughter's death - News Summed Up

Trent Butt guilty of 1st-degree murder in daughter's death

Trent Butt, a Newfoundland man who killed his only child in what the Crown called an act of vengeance against his estranged wife, was found guilty of first-degree murder Friday in Quinn Butt's death. An autopsy could not determine the exact cause of death for Quinn Butt, although Dr. Simon Avis testified that Quinn could have been smothered. "If anything else other than [first-degree murder] would have come out, it just would have been a punch in the stomach. Trent Butt has been found guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of his daughter, Quinn. (CBC)"We expected there would be a finding of first-degree murder, and that's why he was charged with first-degree murder."

Source: CBC News March 15, 2019 11:30 UTC

