Trailheads: Braving Appalachian Trail and Safeway parking lot - News Summed Up

Trailheads: Braving Appalachian Trail and Safeway parking lot

Because I allowed impulsive whimsy to guide my food choices, I soon had a cart piled high with edible goodies. Meanwhile, out on the Safeway parking lot, the melting snow was mutating into an icy brine that quickly evolved into three inches of mushy slush. And when I pushed my overloaded cart of food onto that driveway being overrun by a quagmire of unforgiving slosh, I and that four wheeled transporter bogged down. So I'm using this opportunity to thank Laura again for her much welcomed help and to tell her how much I appreciated her kindness. We Flagstaffians are indeed fortunate to have considerate folks like Laura living and working in our town.

Source: Daily Sun February 08, 2021 19:41 UTC

