Low gas pressure, power cuts disrupt life in Dhaka - News Summed Up

Low gas pressure, power cuts disrupt life in Dhaka

Power supply companies said there is no slump in the production or supply of electricity as the demand falls in winter. In some neighbourhoods, however, power supply has been disrupted by minor repair work. The LNG gas supply has dropped, causing the dip in the pressure, said Mirza Mahbub Hossain, a spokesman for Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited“Titas needs 2,200 mmcfd gas to cater to the customers. According to Petrobangla, Bangladesh has a capacity to produce 3,760 mmcfd gas using the resources at its disposal, including the Bangladesh Gas Field, Sylhet Gas Field, the 22 gas fields of BAPEX, Chevron and Tullow and LNG supply. The figure was 3,173 mmcfd on Oct 30, including 641 mmcfd of LNG, compared to 2,872 mmcfd, including 400 mmcfd LNG on Feb 4.

Source: bd News24 February 08, 2021 19:18 UTC

