Three new bike trails proposed for Tararua Ranges - News Summed Up

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Three new bike trails proposed for Tararua Ranges

Three new bike trails proposed for Tararua RangesSUPPLIED/STUFF A mountain biker takes to the track on a Wairarapa bike track. Three new biking trails have been proposed for the Tararua Ranges in an move to open up the area and attract more visitors. The proposal was initiated by the Department of Conservation two years ago, and has been driven in large part by the Wairarapa Regional Mountain Bike Track Trust. The charitable trust was formed to develop and manage mountain bike trails in Wairarapa. CATHERINE ROSSITER-STEA A map shows the sites of two of the new proposed mountain biking tracks in Wairarapa.

Source: Stuff April 25, 2018 03:11 UTC



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