These are the industries where jobs still haven't returned - News Summed Up

These are the industries where jobs still haven't returned

Movie theatersFebruary 2020: 144,200 jobsMay 2021: 53,300 jobs (-63%)People love a good comeback story, and the nation's movie houses are in need of one. As of May 2021, employment in the industry remains 63%, or 91,000 jobs, below where it entered the pandemic. Cinemas are reopening; however, as of May 2021, employment in the industry remains 63%, or 91,000 jobs, below where it entered the pandemic. As of May 2021, jobs in theater and dance were down 49% from where they were in February 2020. As of May 2021, jobs in theater and dance were down 49% from where they were in February 2020, according to BLS data.

Source: CNN July 27, 2021 15:45 UTC

