The Latest: Life expectancy drops in pandemic-struck Italy - News Summed Up

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The Latest: Life expectancy drops in pandemic-struck Italy

ROME — Life expectancy for men in some of Italy’s worst-hit provinces in the pandemic dropped by more than four years. ISTAT, Italy’s national statistics bureau, in a report on Monday said that compared with 2019, nationwide life expectancy for those born in 2020 dropped by 1.2 years. “In 2020, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sharp increase in the risk of mortality that derived from it abruptly interrupted the increase of life expectancy at birth that had marked a trend up to 2019,“ ISTAT said. In the northern provinces of Bergamo, Cremona and Lodi, life expectancy for men decreased by some 4.3 to 4.5 years. For a child born in 2020, male life expectancy nationwide is 79.7 and female life expectancy is 84.4, ISTAT said.

Source: thestar September 06, 2021 06:45 UTC

