AI helps complete Beethoven's Tenth Symphony - News Summed Up

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AI helps complete Beethoven's Tenth Symphony

As conductor Guillaume Berney marks the opening downbeat, the first chords ring out in a Lausanne concert hall of what could conceivably be an extract of Beethoven's Tenth Symphony – if the great German composer had ever managed to complete the piece. The classical music world has often speculated what Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) would have gone on to write after his monumental Ninth Symphony. Berney explains that the ANN refers to the artificial neural network that created it, basically without human intervention. He then asked it to create a piece around one of the theme fragments found in Beethoven's sparse notes that musicologists believe could have been for a new symphony. "The idea is to just push a button to produce a complete musical score for an entire symphonic orchestra completely without intervention," Colombo said.

Source: thestar September 06, 2021 04:52 UTC

