Amazon Prime Video's 'The Family Man 2' starring Manoj Bajpayee, Samantha Akkineni, Priyamani, Sharad Kelkar, Shahab Ali in lead roles received rave reviews from viewers and critics alike. But besides the lead characters, artists Ashlesha Thakur and Abhay Verma too -- who essayed the role of Dhriti and Kalyan respectively, caught the attention of the viewers. In fact, when 'The Family Man 2' had released, the Dhriti-Kalyan relationship was one of the topics that were discussed with a lot of interest among viewers. Recently, opening up about doing the romantic parts in the web series with Abhay at such a young age, Ashlesha Thakur told, "I was very nervous. I watched a lot of web series where there is a love interest involved.
Source: dna July 10, 2021 06:11 UTC