Researchers from the University of Glasgow have revealed that many teens are avoiding sexual health information online, due to a fear of being ‘seen.’Meanwhile, other youngsters snub websites where they think the information is written in either a patronising or complex tone. In the study, the researchers interviewed 49 young people aged 16 to 19 about how they find sexual health information. The study found that barriers to young people finding accurate information included "over-abundant content", limited awareness of trusted websites, difficulties finding locally-relevant information about services, and difficulties in navigating large organisations' websites. The authors, from the University of Glasgow, concluded: "Digital media has promise for the improved delivery of sexual health information, but it is necessary that assumptions about young people's uniform competence as 'digital natives' are examined critically so this potential can be realised. "The onus cannot be on young people to increase their individual digital health literacy."
Source: Daily Mirror April 30, 2019 22:30 UTC