'Swole', 'buzzy' added to Merriam-Webster dictionary - News Summed Up

'Swole', 'buzzy' added to Merriam-Webster dictionary

Get swole, prepare a bug-out bag, grab a go-cup and maybe you'll have a better chance of surviving the omnicide. Swole, bug-out bag, go-cup and omnicide are just a few of the 640 additions to Merriam-Webster's dictionary announced Monday. Lexicographers also tweaked some definitions, including adding 'someone who is overly sensitive' to the word snowflake. (Julie Bennett/AL.com/Associated Press)Deciding what gets included is a painstaking process involving the Springfield, Mass.-based company's roughly two dozen lexicographers, said Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster's editor at large. 'We want to be as useful as possible,' says Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster's editor at large.

Source: CBC News April 23, 2019 20:48 UTC

