Swechchha Sebok League chief Nirmal Guha dies in Singapore - News Summed Up

Swechchha Sebok League chief Nirmal Guha dies in Singapore

Nirmal Ranjan Guha, the president of the Bangladesh Awami Swechchha Sebok League, has died in hospital care in Singapore, aged 58. Guha, who was undergoing treatment at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore, breathed his last at 10:30 am Wednesday Bangladesh time, according to his party colleague Afzal Babu. On Jun 12, Guha fell sick after his blood pressure shot up. But his condition deteriorated and he was later flown to Singapore on Jun 16 for advanced medical treatment. A central committee of the Swechchha Sebok League was announced on Nov 16, 2009, naming Nirmal Guha as president and Afzal Babu as general secretary.

Source: bd News24 June 29, 2022 14:37 UTC

