Every time Sinn Féin says it will approach the forthcoming Northern talks with “positivity” or “hope”, its leaders soon add a qualification – there has to be a plan if they don’t work. It’s easy to see that the party isn’t very optimistic that the talks will reach agreement on the relaunching of the institutions. If the DUP won’t agree – and it won’t, as Sinn Féin knows, at least not immediately – then Sinn Féin wants the two governments to step in. When pressed, senior party sources acknowledge that the Irish language Act is of a separate order to the same-sex marriage and abortion issues, which have really been adopted by the party only relatively recently. Litmus testThe Irish language issue, though, is more important and is regarded by the party and much of its base as a litmus test for any new administration.
Source: The Irish Times May 01, 2019 00:00 UTC