Singapore store slammed for selling ivory jewelry from ‘tortured’ elephants - News Summed Up

Singapore store slammed for selling ivory jewelry from ‘tortured’ elephants

A Singapore online store selling ivory jewelry has sparked an uproar, with an animal rights group Tuesday slamming the shop for offering products made from “tortured” elephants. It is still legal in Singapore to export and import products made from ivory sourced before the ban took effect. “Vintage ivory sends the same, unacceptable message as new ivory — that it is ok to maim and kill animals for the sake of vanity,” he told AFP. In a statement issued Monday, Ivory Lane’s owner Ivy Chng noted the “unhappiness” online but insisted that the ivory she was selling was “completely legal” in Singapore. “We only offer the purest form of ivory, sourced from the natural environments of central Africa,” she said.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer August 07, 2018 11:26 UTC

