Our nomadic life - News Summed Up

Our nomadic life

Our nomadic lifeEvery Tuesday, our virtual, pre-prayer conversations with my multi-cultural friends revolve around the weather, faith, home or our wanderings. Discovering the unknown, of what our host country offers, is one of the most rewarding facets of the nomadic life. Had we not lived in Beijing we would not have discovered that the kilometric expanse of the Great Wall of China goes beyond the touristy Great Wall of Badaling. This magnificent wonder extends to the breathtaking Great Wall By the Sea, the Great Wall of Mutianyu, which is prettiest in autumn, and our family favorite, the Jinshanling Great Wall, where we hiked sections of its unrestored parts. As AI takes over, this also signals another interesting phase in our nomadic life.

Source: Philippine Star May 18, 2024 21:59 UTC

