Tuimalealiifano Va'aletoa Sualauvi II Photo: Samoa govtSamoa's Supreme Court has overturned the Head of State's proclamation to suspend Parliament's scheduled swearing-in tomorrow. However, the court called the decision by the Head of State "unlawful', paving the way for parliament to convene tomorrow as previously scheduled. The newcomer Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa (FAST) party, which had expected to declare a majority of seats when Parliament at Monday's sitting of Samoa 17th parliament, had its legal challenge to the proclamation heard in the Supreme Court chambers in Apia this morning. The decision was reached by Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese, Justice Vui Clarence Nelson and Justice Tafaoimalo Leilani Tuala-Warren. RNZ Pacific correspondent in Apia, Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia, said the Tuimaleali'ifano left Vailele yesterday after making the latest proclamation.
Source: Otago Daily Times May 23, 2021 02:37 UTC