Ships and riddles:Sailing the Sea of Thieves - News Summed Up

Ships and riddles:Sailing the Sea of Thieves

Ships and riddles:Sailing the Sea of ThievesRare's Design Director Mike Chapman talks us through how players will make their way from rookie sailors to pirate legends as they explore the Sea of Thieves. Pirate figures, cannons and lanterns adorn the lobby and ship rigging lines the walls, all designed to create an ambience fitting for the Sea of Thieves. Sea of Thieves puts a huge emphasis on teamwork and co-operation. I literally had to dig mine out like buried treasure to take part in the Sea of Thieves beta. Sea of Thieves is deliberately designed to keep players in constant communication because at its core, this is a game about task management.

Source: Stuff February 14, 2018 07:52 UTC

