Actor Shah Rukh Khan has begun the countdown for his upcoming film Zero which is set to hit the theatres on December 21. Days before the film’s release, the actor has introduced a new character from the film – a chimpanzee. Shah Rukh, who plays a dwarf named Bauaa Singh in Zero, shared a new poster featuring him and the chimp sitting on a railing and captioned it, “Aafia, Babita, Guddu, Ashok! Zero stars Katrina Kaif as the alcoholic superstar Babita Kumari and Anushka Sharma as the wheelchair-ridden NASA scientist Aafia in the film. While the moviegoers have been waiting to know who travels to space in the rocket, is this chimpanzee the one to travel in the space shuttle?
Source: Hindustan Times December 19, 2018 04:52 UTC